Beyond fantasy: future technologies that will change the world

Human civilization is constantly evolving. Once upon a time, a wheeled cart seemed like a real miracle, and then the technological revolution turned the whole world upside down. Since then, science has never ceased to amaze us. Especially now, when incredible discoveries are happening everywhere. Technologies of the future break into our lives, making the most amazing and “crazy” ideas of science fiction writers a reality.

The latest inventions will help improve everyday life in all areas and areas: medicine, alternative fuel, movement safety, environmental protection, creation of innovative infrastructure for the development of society. When such an invention was online entertainment, for example, casino online. However, today it has already become quite familiar to us.

New scientific technologies in the field of medicine: top 5

1. Canadian doctors have come up with the technology of unique “bionic” lenses that allow you to triple even ideal visual acuity. The technique allows you to enter such a lens in a certain volume of saline solution into the eye. There she cracks down on the lens, enabling the patient to gain extraordinary vigilance. This invention is a real breakthrough in the field of ophthalmology.

2. A number of countries are already introducing 3D printing technology in the field of medicine. Scientists have learned how to recreate, using this technique, areas of living tissues that are successfully used to test drugs. But now we are talking about the possibility of printing full-fledged viable organs that can replace donor ones.

On specialized printers, samples are printed using cartridges that are filled with a composition of human cells and a special gel that can structure body tissues. It is possible to reproduce test models of organs, but so far there are difficulties with their natural functionality. As soon as scientists cope with this problem, a real revolution will occur, radically changing the field of transplantation.

3. A gerontologist from Cambridge is working on a way to restore the body, in which cells that have lost their ability to divide will be destroyed. This will allow healthy cells to renew themselves. If successful, the technique will make it possible to delay, for example, 60-year-old patients at this age in terms of biological parameters for 30 years, that is, to “preserve” the aging process. The procedure can be repeated several times.

The inventor himself believes that innovative therapy can be introduced into use in the next few years. It will probably become that “elixir of youth”, enabling a person to live not only to 100, but also to 200, 300, 500 and even up to a thousand years.

4. A Boston scientist has developed oxygen injections that allow the body to “breathe” when the airways fail due to illness or injury. He invented a composition in which tiny oxygen bubbles are “packed” into a lipid layer. Their small size allows you to directly saturate the blood with life-giving gas, while avoiding dangerous side effects, such as embolism (blockage of blood vessels). The technology is currently being successfully tested.

5. Testing of a technology that will help record human dreams on video has begun. So far, the technique only allows you to convert the video sequence by scanning some parts of the brain of a person (visual centers) who watches it. As a result, the video, read directly from the subjects’ brains by scanning it with MRI and adapting it in special programs, turned out to be fuzzy, but the researchers do not despair, but continue to work.

IT Innovation: 3 Amazing Developments

1. Google plans to introduce solar-powered drones to distribute high-speed 5G Internet. The development will provide an opportunity to provide access to the network to the most remote corners of the world, as well as make access cheaper and incredibly fast.

2. A team of scientists from the Southampton Center for Optoelectric Research has created a 5D disk that can store up to 360 terabytes of information. This storage device is made of quartz glass, in which a multilayer nanostructure has been created using laser pulses. The data is written using three layers of voxels (3D pixel) that are spaced one millionth of a meter apart. They can be read using a microscope or a polarizer.

The size of a unique disc is only a couple of centimeters, and its durability is simply phenomenal. The device can withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees Celsius. And at operational 190 degrees, it can be stored for about 13.8 billion years. On the scale of our planet, such a period of time is an eternity, since, according to scientists, the Earth will be absorbed by the Sun in 7.5 billion years.

Many texts significant for humanity, such as Newton’s Optics, Magna Carta, the Bible, etc., were recorded on “eternal” drives. They plan to continue to use them to store large amounts of meaningful information.

3. It has already become possible to shop in virtual reality. Such “shops” can be found, for example, at railway stations in South Korea. They look like screens simulating real store shelves with purchases. Under each of them there is a barcode, by scanning which, you can place an order in a specialized application. Purchases are delivered to the client at a convenient time for him by a courier.

Contactless shopping is especially important for people now, when the coronavirus pandemic is forcing social distancing and reducing the number of trips to public places.

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