How to Treat Burns of Varying Degrees of Severity 

One of the most common reasons why there are usually so many people in the accident and emergency unit of your local hospital is very much likely to be that they have accidentally burned themselves in some way. 

So, in an effort to help you make an informed decision as to what you should do if you find yourself in this position, continue reading to learn how to treat burns of varying degrees of severity. 

What Exactly is a Burn?

Essentially, a burn to the skin happens when either extreme heat, sunlight, radiation, electricity, or chemicals make contact with bare skin and damage the tissue. 

There are naturally different levels of seriousness when it comes to the damage that has been done, and obviously, this should inform any further action you decide to take. It is worth noting that a burn may not look particularly ghastly, but it could still cause additional and even long-lasting damage if it is left untreated.

Burns are categorized into three main groups which are:

  1. First-Degree Burns
  2. Second-Degree Burns
  3. Third-Degree Burns

First-Degree Burns

Although sometimes more than little painful, minor burns are referred to by medical professionals as first-degree burns. First-degree burns are generally categorized as covering less than ten percent of the body. 

Second-Degree Burns

Considered to be mild to moderate, second-degree burns are those that cover around ten percent of the body. However, if the second-degree burn is to your feet, hands, or genital area, this should always be seen by a medical professional and looked after as soon as possible, regardless of the official severity and classification. 

You may well be prescribed a combination of different antibiotic creams to treat a second-degree burn, but whatever the doctor tells you to do, make sure you follow their instructions to the letter. 

Third-Degree Burns

Finally, third-degree burns are considered to include the worst types of burns, and generally, a burn is classified as third-degree when it has covered over ten percent of the body. 

Third-degree burns sometimes require the use of skin grafts from knockout rats or from other areas of the patient’s body and can often leave scarring, which tends never to fade completely. 

Protecting Your Children from Burns:

Unfortunately, the vast majority of burns happen to children, usually, younger children between the ages of 3 and 9, and as such, if you have children yourself, it would make sense to consider putting the following safeguards in place. 

Always ensure your children wear a high-factor sunscreen when playing outside in the summer, keep your hot water temperature below 120 degrees Fahrenheit, ensuring that all lighters, matches, and harmful chemicals are kept stored away, and make sure that your fireplace has a child safety guard around the unit. 

The human skin is the largest organ of the body and is, obviously, exposed to the elements and potential hazards every single day, so make sure you protect both yourself and your loved ones from burns. 

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