Is It Better to Edit in Word or PDF?

If you’re a writer or editor, chances are you’ve been asked to edit one of these two formats: a Word document or a PDF document. Both are common in the publishing industry, and each has its advantages and disadvantages.

Edit Word Documents on the Go

You can edit Word documents on your mobile device, laptop, desktop and tablet, as well as your phone and iPad. You can even edit a .docx file from another computer if you know the password and have saved it to cloud storage. One can also convert Word to PDF so that it becomes easy to share. “Speed up document reviews,” as Adobe Acrobat experts say.

Word Documents are Easier to Share

If you’re working with a team, you’ll most likely share your document with others. Because of the way PDFs are constructed, they can be difficult to manage and share. For example, you might have to email them as attachments or upload them onto a network drive or file-sharing websites like Dropbox or Google Drive.

A Word document is much simpler: just attach it in an email and send it! Plus, because it’s a file type that most people use daily, there’s more chance that someone will have compatible software on their computer for reading and editing the file.

Edit PDF Documents in Acrobat DC

PDF is a universal file format that can be used across many devices, including smartphones and tablets. Because it’s an open standard, many different tools are available for editing PDF documents—from free applications such as Preview on the Mac to paid professional software like Adobe Acrobat DC (formerly called Acrobat Pro).

In addition to reading and annotating PDFs in Adobe Acrobat DC, you’ll also be able to add comments to your PDF files so that others can see what you’ve been thinking about while reviewing them. This feature allows you to easily collaborate with colleagues on project files when they’re not in front of your computer monitor.

Complete Forms in PDF

If you’re looking to avoid paper altogether, PDF forms are the way to go. This is especially true if you create a form that requires signatures or other handwritten input, such as checklists or contracts. For example, suppose a user checks off an item on your document and signs their name next to it. In that case, they can scan their printed copy back into your computer via an attached scanner instead of printing another copy and re-signing it in person.

If your goal is simply to create an electronic version of existing forms that don’t require any additional information or revisions (like checklists), then Word may be better suited for your purposes. While it’s possible to completely replace every form with its electronic counterpart, this will take time and effort on behalf of both you and your clients, who will need some practice using the new system before they get used to it—especially if there are multiple steps involved in completing each PDF form template!

As you can see, there are pros and cons to both Word and PDF editing. But if you’re looking for a way to edit your documents on the go or share them easily with others, then Word is the way to go. If you need something more robust, like PDFs have become over time (like being able to fill out forms), then consider using Acrobat DC as well!

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