Travel Managers: How to Find Ideal Housing for Employees


As a travel manager seeking temporary housing for an employee, you likely have a long list of requirements.

You want to send them somewhere comfortable. Someplace that doesn’t leave them with an exorbitant commute, and above all, somewhere within budget.

Whether you’ve been coordinating employee accommodation, sending them across the country or state for decades, or booking employee housing for the first time, this article will help you source the ideal place, without forcing you to compromise or go above budget.

New to this or not, technology continues to evolve, and so have ways of acquiring short-term employee housing. Oh, the housing options themselves have also changed, as well.

So, stick around until the end, you may discover something new.

Before You Search

Prior to looking for temporary accommodation, you’ll first need to determine:

The Number of Employees Traveling

If you have a handful or more employees in need of accommodation, be aware you may be able to nab a hotel group rate.

If your employees will be staying at a particular location for a while, you may opt to rent a few condos or other places that offer a little shared space, and some privacy.

Employee’s Needs

Making sure the place is comfortable and conducive to everyday living is a must. If your employee or employees will be on location for a while, having a fully-furnished space with an operational kitchen gives them the ability to cook their own meals. They will also have an easier time settling in and focusing on work when the place they’re staying feels like a home.


Your budget influences the type of place you secure, so of course, budget considerations must be determined.

As long as you prioritize employees’ comfort and well-being, you probably don’t have to worry if you’re not able to rent the flashiest, most modern up to date pad.

Searching for Ideal Housing

Once those considerations are attended to, move on to these additional factors that help determine the ideal place.

Short Trips

The duration of the stay is an important factor, and for short trips, hotels are a safe bet. They’re convenient and for the most part, you know what to expect. As mentioned previously, if there’s a group of people traveling you may get a discount for booking multiple rooms.

Longer stays usually come with a different set of requirements. 

Hotel rooms are not equipped to handle someone living there for months, and it doesn’t take long for them to feel restricted and confining.

 Every day activities –  like cooking – usually can’t be carried out in most hotel rooms, and they can be noisy with little privacy as staff and lodgers make their way up and down the long hallway.

If the temporary housing is for a few months or more, hotels probably aren’t the best or most economical option. 

Corporate Housing, Airbnb and Other Long-Term Housing Options

Thankfully, for those who will be on location for months or more, there are additional lodging options – just think outside the (hotel room) box.

Airbnb is a great resource. The only downside is it’s hard to find a place completely free of bookings; usually there are reservations from others made for some of the time your employees are there. It’s burdensome to have to ask an employee to prematurely move before the job’s completion.

Corporate housing is an excellent solution. Most of the places are fully-furnished, and have all the appliances, dishes and textiles that make a longer-term temporary housing situation comfortable. 

However, that type of lodging is usually only found near large cities, and those who work in rural areas tend to have a much harder time securing a place to stay.

Yet as the demand for housing for an ever-increasing nomadic workforce intensifies, additional housing solutions are starting to emerge.

For example, those behind Travelers Haven saw a need for on-demand housing. Their model allows travel managers and others looking for housing for months or longer to contact them, and list the specifics of what type of lodging they’re looking for – including how long they’re looking for it, and where they’re needing to go. 

The team at Travelers Haven does all the leg work, arriving at customized housing options, selected based on the criteria provided. It’s quick and easy, and convenient as they include both city and rural locations.


Finding a place to send employees can feel challenging, especially if it’s a place you have no prior experience with. However, hopefully with these tips and some of the resources mentioned, it feels a little less daunting. 

Wherever you’re sending your employees and for however long they’re going, we hope this helps you find the perfect short-term home.

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