Trimming the Cost of Weight Loss: Exploring the Price of Gastric Balloon Surgery and Additional Expenses

In recent times, the number of individuals with obesity has been on the rise, leading to an increase in health risks such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. 

As a result, many individuals with obesity have opted for weight loss procedures such as gastric balloon surgery to aid in their weight loss journey. Gastric balloon surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that involves the insertion of a balloon into the stomach, which occupies space and reduces appetite, leading to weight loss. 

However, one critical factor that individuals consider before undergoing this procedure is the gastric balloon cost.

What is gastric balloon surgery, and how does it work?

Gastric balloon surgery is a weight loss procedure that involves the insertion of a silicone balloon into the stomach. The balloon is then filled with a saline solution, which makes it expand, occupying space and reducing the amount of food an individual can eat. This reduction in food intake leads to weight loss, and the balloon is usually removed after six months.

Gastric balloon surgery is ideal for individuals with a body mass index (BMI) between 30 and 40, who have been unsuccessful in their weight loss efforts through diet and exercise. The procedure is minimally invasive and is usually done on an outpatient basis, meaning that patients can go home on the same day.

How much does gastric balloon surgery cost?

The cost of gastric balloon surgery varies depending on several factors such as the location, the surgeon’s experience, and the type of procedure. However, the average cost of gastric balloon surgery in the United States is between $7,000 and $9,000. This cost includes the surgeon’s fee, anesthesia, and hospital or clinic fees.

In some cases, insurance companies cover the cost of gastric balloon surgery, but this is usually only for individuals who have medical conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease that are directly linked to obesity.

Additional costs associated with gastric balloon surgery

In addition to the cost of the surgery, there are other expenses that individuals may incur when undergoing gastric balloon surgery. These expenses include:

Pre-surgery medical examination: Before undergoing the surgery, individuals are required to undergo a medical examination to determine if they are suitable candidates for the procedure. This examination may include blood tests, imaging tests, and consultations with specialists, and can cost between $500 and $1,500.

Post-surgery follow-up: After the surgery, individuals are required to follow up with their surgeon regularly to monitor their progress and ensure that there are no complications. These follow-up visits can cost between $100 and $500 per visit, depending on the surgeon and location.

Dietary supplements and medications: After the surgery, individuals may need to take dietary supplements or medications to help with their weight loss journey. These supplements and medications can cost between $50 and $200 per month.


In conclusion, gastric balloon surgery is a weight loss procedure that has gained popularity in recent times due to its minimally invasive nature and effectiveness. However, the cost of the procedure is a crucial factor that individuals must consider before undergoing the surgery. The average cost of gastric balloon surgery in the United States is between $7,000 and $9,000, but this cost may vary depending on several factors. Additionally, individuals may incur other expenses such as pre-surgery medical examinations, post-surgery follow-up visits, and the cost of dietary supplements and medications. Individuals should consult with their health beauty provider to determine if gastric balloon surgery is the right weight loss procedure for them and to discuss the cost implications.

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