Virtual Hackathon Guide

A hackathon is an event that involves a competition within a specified time frame where teams or individuals aim to tackle technology-related challenges or problems. The event revolves around a particular idea, theme, or problem, and participants work on creating and showcasing a solution or product in the form of a functional prototype. Finally, a group of specialists assesses the solutions and declares a winner based on specific criteria.

In the past, hackathons were traditionally held in person and primarily targeted coders. However, as time has passed, hackathons have evolved and now take place online, making them more accessible and widely recognized. Additionally, these events have expanded their scope to encompass diverse themes and use cases related to various technologies or programming languages.

The purpose of this Hackathon Guide is to provide detailed information on the advantages and necessity of virtual hackathons, as well as guidance on how to organize one for your company.

Types of Hackathons

You may choose to either host a hackathon internally or make it open to the public, depending on your goals and objectives.

Internal hackathon

A company may choose to conduct an internal hackathon exclusively for its employees with the aim of crowdsourcing ideas, promoting collaboration, and boosting employee engagement. By involving employees from diverse backgrounds and giving them the freedom to develop innovative ideas, the company can create an opportunity for them to pitch their proposals to senior management.

External hackathon

External hackathons are open to the public, which means that anyone, regardless of their affiliation with the company, can participate. The theme of the hackathon and the prize offered usually attract participants. With virtual external hackathons, companies can tap into a global pool of talent and crowdsource ideas from across the world.

Benefits of a virtual hackathon

There are numerous benefits to hosting a virtual hackathon, some of which include:

It is economical

Organizing an onsite hackathon can be expensive, as it involves renting a venue, providing for participants’ needs, and hiring additional staff to ensure efficient event management. On the other hand, virtual hackathons offer cost savings since most participants can join the event from the comfort of their own homes, thereby eliminating the need for renting physical space or arranging for food and accommodation. 

It increases participation

Physical hackathons are restricted to participants who are located near the event’s venue or can afford to travel to it, resulting in primarily local contestants and potentially missing out on great talent. In contrast, virtual hackathons enable people from all over the world to participate, with only a stable internet connection and a device needed to join. 

Considers participant’s comfort

Each individual has unique working conditions in which they perform optimally. For instance, some people may be most productive while listening to music or a podcast, while others may prefer working from the coziness of their bed rather than a conventional desk and chair setup. Virtual hackathons enable participants to work in an environment that is conducive to their preferred working conditions, without impeding others’ comfort. 

It assists in breaking the monotony and enhances collaboration

Participating in a hackathon, where there is a set time frame to find a solution, can alleviate the monotony of day-to-day functions by creating a sense of urgency. Additionally, hackathons foster collaboration and creativity among team members in an enjoyable atmosphere. 

How to organize a virtual hackathon

While organizing a virtual hackathon can be challenging, three key essentials can help ensure its success:

The prize

Prizes play a significant role in incentivizing participation, whether it’s an onsite or virtual hackathon. The rewards may vary, from cash and gift cards to potential opportunities like internships or permanent positions within the organization. 

The software

When selecting a platform to host a hackathon, it’s crucial to choose one with robust capabilities that can handle the size of the event and provide participants with a platform to engage with others. Optimum features are also necessary to ensure smooth and efficient functioning.

The judges

Having a panel of qualified judges is crucial to enhance the credibility of the event. Participants can be assured that their work will be evaluated by experts in their field, which adds to the event’s integrity. Additionally, well-known judges can attract top talents and help increase the popularity of your virtual hackathon.

Things to avoid while organizing a virtual hackathon

Organizing a hackathon can be challenging, and the chances of making mistakes are high. Here are three common mistakes that should be avoided when organizing a hackathon:

Miscommunication in your promotion

To ensure maximum participation, all promotional content regarding the hackathon must be concise and transparent right from the start. Ambiguity in the advertisement or newsletter can discourage the intended audience, resulting in a decrease in the number of participants. Defining a clear objective before initiating any communication can be the most straightforward approach to avoid such a situation. 

Not selecting the ideal platform

As previously mentioned, hosting a hackathon can be a demanding undertaking. The platform you select for your event can play a significant role in its success or failure. Therefore, it is crucial to choose a platform that aligns with your business objectives and is user-friendly for participants. Look for a platform that offers collaboration tools, grants easy access to attendee information, and enables organizers to assign scores.

No prizes or incentives for participants

A hackathon is a competition, and it is essential to provide a predetermined award to the winning individual or team. However, it is equally important to consider recognition for the other participants as well. Failing to do so may result in negative feelings among attendees and discourage participation in future events. To avoid this, it is recommended to offer a participation prize or goody bag.


Hackathons are an excellent way to find talented individuals to hire, generate ideas, and engage your employees. While organizing an event may seem challenging due to the planning involved, the rewards can be significant. Hosting a hackathon can help you engage the community, discover talented individuals, boost morale among your employees, and create buzz around your company. It is an effective way to showcase your organization’s creativity and innovation while fostering a collaborative environment. Overall, organizing a hackathon can offer numerous benefits to your business and help you achieve your goals.

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