How to Help Your Senior Downsize When Moving to Assisted Living

Your senior has spent a lifetime accumulating the things that fill their home, but the chances are, their new accommodation will be a lot smaller than their current space. Downsizing can be a huge undertaking for the elderly and something they will certainly need help with. However, this can be a daunting task for all involved. Here is a guide to help you to assist your senior with the move to their new home.

Measure Their New Space

Ask the facility if you can take some measurements of your senior’s personal space. Many facilities such as Belmont Village Coral Gables assisted living will allow you to do this and it means you have a good idea of what space your senior is going to have. This means that you know how much you will need to get rid of and you can start to plan where the things they want to take with them can go.

Don’t Do It All at Once

If you have time before their move, then try to help them downsize little and often. Trying to do everything at once can lead to stress and tension and it could be a huge shock to your senior if they suddenly find themselves in an almost empty property. Ideally, you will spread the process over a couple of months although, in some cases, this won’t be possible. However, you will find it easier on you all if you have some time.

Choose Your Words Carefully

Your senior will probably be attached to most of the items in their home and it can be upsetting for them to have to get rid of so much. Therefore, you should choose your words carefully and not ask questions such as ‘why have you kept this, or have you ever used this?’ as tempting as it may be. This will help you to avoid conflict.

You should try to avoid being emotional yourself so that you can best assist your senior. If you are attached to something they want to get rid of such as your old report cards, then it is better to offer to take it off their hands than get upset because they don’t want it anymore.

Your senior may be more willing to get rid of items if they know they are going to a worthy cause. Many charities take donations of furniture and knick-knacks, so choose a charity your senior has an affinity with and talk to them about donating their items to this cause. You may find that doing this allows for a smoother process.

Consider Storage

If your senior has lots of items that they don’t want to get rid of then consider a storage facility. That way, they won’t feel as if they are parting with beloved items forever, but they won’t be taking up space in their new home.

Helping your senior to downsize to an assisted living facility may be a challenging task but follow this guide if you want to make the process easier on you all.

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